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Old 10-24-2007, 10:02 AM
DavidC DavidC is offline
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Default Theory: Problems with good draws on flops

I have problems when I flop an OESD or FF in a 6-7 way flop, say something like A85 2tn or maybe J85 2tn. I find that it's really hard to get the flop capped 5-6 ways.

I don't like capping it 4-ways to find out that I'm breaking even at 25% equity with my FF vs a set. I don't like capping it 4-ways to find out that I'm drawing to either 13% (splitting an OESD vs a set) or 16.4% (splitting oesd vs an overpair).

People will do something like call a bet, or maybe even called two cold bets, and then fold when the second set of 2 cold bets comes back to them, even though the pot is now larger than the first time when they called two cold bets.

Obviously all this folding opens up different types of opportunities for us: maybe setting up multi-street multiway bluffs (doubtful) but more likely setting up opportunities to clean up outs (although what sorts of outs are cleaned up against such strength is probably limited to backdoor straight draws and flush draws... and those are a lot weaker than normal against such strength... and I've never really been pleased with the treatment of BDS's by Miller).

Anyways, if anyone has any comments on this, please feel free to discuss it here.
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