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Old 10-24-2007, 08:47 AM
mrick mrick is offline
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Default Re: Bush kiss of death: Aznar, Berlusconi, Blair, Kaczynski

The Danish Prime Minister was re-eleced and got more personal votes than any politician in the Danish Parliament ever had. Angela Merkel voiced support of the invasion of Iraq, and was elected Chancellor of Germany when she ran against Schoder who was against the war. French President Chirac who was against the war was seen as the least popular president in France in recent history. He was later replaced by Sarkozy who has expressed a lot more positive view of the US and wants a closer relationship with the US.

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Grabbing at straws, aren't we? The fate of the lonely and deserted... :-)

Taking a cue from the fate that befell other politicians on the receiving end of the Bush Kiss Of Death, Danish PM Rasmussen withdrew Danish troops in August 2007 from active duties. In fact, there are no more Danish military in Iraq and Denmark's "participation" in the coalition of the willing is henceforth restricted to some token non-military assistance around Baghdada. Which involves less than 500 men. And Rasmussen has refused to get involved in any kind of domestic political debate about Iraq for more than a year. Clever fellow! (Still, and on the basis of the rest of his work as PM, which is actually quite good, e.g. slashing runaway municipal expenditures, restricting immigration, etc, Rasmussen might turn out to be the exception that proves the rule!)

Angela Merkel should have been elected as German chancellor quite comfortably due to the many messes created by Social-Demorat Schroeder. The Christian-Democrats were leading at some point by 21% in opinion polls. Instead they were held back due to frau Merkel's bland support of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. In the 2005 elections, there was a stalemate, which resulted in a forced alliance with SPD. So, there will be no German support forthcoming for the American mess in Iraq. Sorry. In other words, Merkel's not yet politically dead by the Bush Kiss Of Death, but she had a narrow escape!

Chirac was unpopular for various reasons, none of which had anything to do with Iraq. In fact, his strong opposition to the war in Iraq was what was keeping his approval ratings amongst the French at a respectable level.

As to Sarkozy, he is saying the same things on Franco-American relations that Chirac was saying! There are few issues, indeed, if any, separating France and the United States -- aside from Iraq. But don't expect Sarkozy to send any time soon soldiers in Iraq or support the war there...
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