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Old 10-24-2007, 04:22 AM
Bork Bork is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 920
Default Re: the more likely perfect season?

You guys do know that for neither to be the correct answer the chances of both the pairs having a perfect season have to be exactly equal. The question is which result is MORE likely not whether it is likely that neither will happen.. Granted the poll is so retarded you have to smart to understand it, but c'mon get with the program.

The only way for neither pair to be more likely is for them to be equivalently likely and as I and others have said there is no way for them both to be more likely than each other. So, anyone answering both or neither as anything but a joke doesn't understand the question as presented. It's hard to blame you though when the presenter doesn't know what he is asking.
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