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Old 10-24-2007, 04:04 AM
holl@b4x holl@b4x is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 82
Default Re: AP Visit: I\'m going to Costa Rica

Interesting, this is a tough spot. The issue isn't the money, obviously if you go you should get paid for your expenses + fee for your time, the question is are they going to give you access to any meaningful, pertinent information.

Either way, I can't see how this would hurt us because Nat will come back and tell us what he saw and what they would/wouldn't answer. That alone is more information, and I highly doubt they're going to attempt to bribe him. I think you should try to negotiate with them for more access before you go, saying if you don't have access to X then the trip isn't worth your time. Either way thanks for putting in the time on this it's been a really compelling scandal, and don't let the trolls get to you.
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