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Old 10-24-2007, 03:23 AM
sethypooh21 sethypooh21 is offline
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Default Re: Confessions of a mid-stakes tilt monkey

Substantively, I have a piece of specific advice, and that is to tailor your style to your emotional makeup. There's some value in reducing what might be called reverse implied tilt odds, and that might mean being a little less out on the edge. 35/25 lagtag is sexy, and perhaps optimal IF YOU CAN MAINTAIN OPTIMALITY. It's no personal failing to admit that you can't - it probably means you're a normal human being instead of a degen who just happens to be skilled. But this means foregoing the last little bit of edge to smooth your variance out. I know that this is sacrilege, but the end goal is to end up with the most money in the end, not playing with the biggest EV until you drop.
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