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Old 10-24-2007, 01:34 AM
ChrisV ChrisV is offline
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Default Re: High Stakes Poker thread (10/21) (spoilers to come)

lol. 90% of people commenting in this thread have not read the Jman NVG thread which was linked to, in which he explained:

- That he played pretty tight because he only had 720K with him. It's not that he isn't rolled for the game, but that he could only move 720K in time. It's not like you can just fly to Vegas and withdraw 1 mill from a kerbside ATM.

- That he only played FIFTY HANDS in his whole time there. I don't think you can draw any firm conclusions about him from 50 hands. People talk about how we criticise other pros on this forum on the basis of what we see on TV, but that's (mostly) actually HANDS THEY'VE PLAYED. You don't see me joining in on this nonsense about how Harman is a nit, for instance.

- That he would "salivate" over the prospect of playing virtually anyone at the table HU, live.

- That he has never been called a nit before in his life (usual epithets are more stuff like "station", "lagtard", etc).

The QQ hand was questionable, but reasonable. He didn't bet the flop because he was vs aggro players and couldn't stand a raise. The turn he was sandwiched in between Farha, who bet, and the other guy. He could certainly have played the hand other ways, but his line was reasonable.

You can't draw any conclusions one way or the other from his play on HSP, but the fact that he plays nosebleed games online and wins (and that most (all?) of the people at that table don't) is evidence that he's probably pretty good.
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