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Old 10-24-2007, 12:42 AM
demon102 demon102 is offline
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Default Re: How to Meditate.


OK, reading back through the original thread it was obvious that I was very wary of writing some stuff. I think that was due to the fact that I didn't have a solid reputation at the time. I think that may have improved somewhat in the last 18 months, so I'll tell you what happened. If you choose to accept it, great. If you don't, no problem.

I sat down to meditate in the early afternoon for my regular 20 minute stint. I slipped into the calm state very easily on this attempt, surprisingly so. After a short time I was no longer thinking. I was observing. It was extremely bizarre but I willed myself to remain calm and not ruin it. A coil of energy seemed to unwrap itself from my naval and spread gradually through my body until it had filled me to the ends of my fingers and toes and the tips of my ears. I felt like I was pulsating with energy. At this point I literally became bigger. My awareness was no longer myself, it was the room. I was the room. That was freaky enough, but then it expanded beyond the rooms boundaries and through the rest of the house and out onto the street. I was aware of every little detail, of the air, of the leaves, of birds and insects, everything. I was a part of it all. My awareness seemed to swell to a great height. I didn't "look" down. I didn't need to. I "was" down. I was everything around me. My body was below me in the great distance but I had encompassed everything. Or maybe that was untrue. Perhaps I had "woken up" for a brief moment and I was experiencing true reality with the blindfold of humanity taken away.

It lasted for five minutes and then I began to withdraw back to myself. Everything happened in reverse motion and then I was sitting in my chair breathing in and out. I sat there in silence for a long time.

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thanks for sharing your experience

Do you have any idea why you experienced that, that one time, and havent been able to attain that state since?

Do people with much more experience (like monks and stuff) talk about similar things? Or at least some you respect talked about that kinda thing? Cuz I imagine there is a lot of [censored] spread out (yogi flying and all that stuff)

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Ive heard and read about that kind of experience from sources I really dont remember as its been a while so its definitely not an isolated event. Even South Park had an episode where one of the boys acheieved that state and kinda turned into everything that sounds just like op's deal but they went futher with it and it didnt start with meditation.
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