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Old 10-23-2007, 10:59 PM
JLaw JLaw is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 130
Default Re: AP Visit: I\'m going to Costa Rica

The one general area that I'd like to hear more about is if/how AP can establish the independence of its security team. Fundamentally, if the security team is under the thumb of upper management, then the security team is ripe for being compromised. Move along, nothing to see here guys....

In addition, the security team needs the ability to communicate with customers independent of the corporate management structure. Otherwise it's impossible for the security team to accurately report their findings.

Additionally, I'd like to hear more about the qualifications of the security team -- it's hard to know if we should have any confidence in their ability to detect these kinds of problems in the future. We don't know if they found the problem and were unable to communicate due to pressure from upper management, or if they were so incompetent as to miss the obvious cheating and chip dumping.

I think I saw it mentioned earlier, but what are company policies regarding playing in their own rooms? ISTM that it's fundamentally a bad idea and a great temptation to cheat if an employee/consultant/executive can play in their own room. It should be simply prohibited and grounds for immediate dismissal.

Finally, how can we get more transparency in the future. We can not expect to be so fortunate as to get the master hand history data in the future. Without that information it I think it would have been much harder to unravel this mess to the point there AP could no longer cover it up.

As for the clowns objecting to you taking a fee for your trip, ignore them. They're clueless. I absolutely trust you to report on what you find regardless of the compensation.

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