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Old 10-23-2007, 08:41 PM
thirddan thirddan is offline
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Default Re: Tell me about your cutting phase

no offense wynton, but that is not a diet conducive to losing weight OR building is very high in carbs, lacks veggies, lacks protein, lacks some of the berardi articles in the faq, especially the 7 habits order to effectively lose fat you are gonna want a diet much higher in protein/fat and much lower in carbs...

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I eat a large salad most days. How could I be lacking veggies?

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meh, veggies at one meal is not a lot of veggies...

the lack of protein and abundance of carbs is not gonna help you lose fat though...

edit: just saw your second the 7 habits article, its really easy and outlines the basics of setting up a healthy meal plan..

also, salads and fruit are good for you...depending on what is in your salad and what kind of dressing you use it can easily become a problem though...
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