Thread: Espn right now
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Old 10-23-2007, 07:50 PM
LearnedfromTV LearnedfromTV is offline
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Default Re: Espn right now

I watched it.

Balanced story given the context. They were clearly focusing on problem gambling, and the points they made about (some) college kids were valid. It's one thing for adults to gamble their own money recreationally, but when it's a 20 year old gambling his parents' money and hiding it, it's a different issue. There was at least one misleading statistic (something like "85% of problem college gamblers commit crimes," which of course sounds worse than it is, depending on how one defines a problem gambler.) Main focus was sports betting and they basically left poker out of it, except for the "are we hypocrites?" line about tv poker coverage.

Ideally, they would present the fact that a lot of college students play poker responsibly, with an edge and within a bankroll, and that a lot of others gamble recreationally within reasonable limits, but that's probably asking too much for a 15 minute piece that leads with a triple homicide over a $17k sports bet.

edit: An aside, I really like the format of this show.
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