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Old 10-23-2007, 06:18 PM
ALawPoker ALawPoker is offline
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Default Re: Why is Paul Running as a Republican?


Heh, the Green Party says the exact same thing. We hold the ideals that the people of this country agree with...they just don't pay attention.

[/ QUOTE ]

I didnt realize the Greens actually claimed that. In that case, my stance is that their claim is wrong. My basic understanding of the Green Party is that they care a lot about the environment and fiscal equality, and that they support the use of government force to the achieve those ends. Or do they just talk about it a lot and say "this is what people should care about"? Im not really sure.

Im sure it has more consistency to it than the Democratic Party, but I think youre way off if you think most people at their core stand for the things that the Green Party stands for.

For example, pacifism (which is the Green position) is a lot different than non-interventionism. And I really think youre just way, way wrong if you think the Greens can rightfully claim that this sort of view is in line with our natural core values. I dont know many people who dont feel a desire to protect themselves and to fight back if theyre under attack.

I would say the Greens sincerely mean well, but I think theyre just confused as to what human nature actually is and their approach just becomes naive and disfunctional. I think it's pretty clear that most people do not fundamentally value the things the Greens preach, and that this gives them a mountain to climb to gain political support. Theres a difference between thinking people *should* value something and hearing them say "I value this" but then watching them vote for something different.

My apostrophe key is not working. Hence my typos.
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