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Old 10-23-2007, 05:45 PM
chernyakov chernyakov is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
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Default Re: AP Visit: I\'m going to Costa Rica

the fact that Nat has all the great credibility you're all talking about is the very same fact that makes this an excellent PR move by AP, one that they will surely reference on the path to reestablishing their own credibility. With Nat's limited time and resources he will not be able to do a thorough investigation there - it will be a superficial investigation at best, and they know it. They will, however, be able to use this perceived transparency hugely to their advantage, and that is the whole point of this - to be able to say, down the road, "look we even brought one of you guys down here to ask questions." If you're going to do this you should ask them for more money to use as an investigative resource, to hire local PIs, local legwork, local investigative reporters, to incentivise the above in a substantial way and remain for a period of time long enough for it to pan out.
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