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Old 10-23-2007, 04:44 PM
Small Fry Small Fry is offline
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Location: Livermore, CA
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Default Re: How does everyone feel about this?

Honestly, I think it's stupid. You want me to think you have a boat so you show me that you hit one of your cards. I'd call you before you could get any words out of your mouth.

So if you're going to try to pull this crap you better also do it when you actually make the boat too.

What you should be doing is making them pay as much as possible on the flop. If you really think your 3's are best and the other guy is on a draw and will make a huge mistake, like calling a $65 bet into a $17 pot, then bet $65. Make them pay through the nose to chase. and don't pay them off when they get there. They might be taking really bad pot odds but if you're going to pay them off you might be giving them the correct implied odds. A huge overbet solves this problem too though. Bad pot odds and then not enough behind for correct implied odds. If their still hell bent on calling nothing you can do but over time you're going to win a lot of money
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