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Old 10-23-2007, 04:07 PM
Wynton Wynton is offline
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Default Re: Tell me about your cutting phase


I honestly believe that there is room for me to cut some calories, but not a tremendous amount. And I'm also honestly not sure whether I have the will power to go much lower.

But it is certainly plausible to me that I am far overestimating just how "clean" my diet is. I resolve to keep track of everything I eat this week, and I'll report back. I could quickly indicate a fairly typical day, but it might not be accurate.

Oh, what the hell, here is one typical day:

Breakfast. Fairly large size fruit salad.
Mid-breakfast. Banana.
Other items in the morning: If available, I sometimes have some pretzel sticks.
Lunch: Usually a pretty decent size salad. This may be accompanied by a small piece of garlic bread.
Mid aft: more pretzels in the office, perhaps 1-2 bite size candies, or individual twizzlers.
Dinner: Varies pretty much. Sometimes, just soup. Sometimes, a fuller meal. (I will have to detail this, I guess.)
Late night snack: This is where I assume my downfall lies. I like those rice cake snacks, and usually have a serving of that PLUS a small, no-fat yogurt, perhaps with dried blueberries.

Other than that, I have a few cups of black coffee a day.

As you can see, there is certainly some junk here, but overall, pretty good I think. And the question I'll need to resolve is whether I can live with a more pristine diet.

Anyway, this may not be that revealing. I will try to keep a real accurate log for a week, and I look forward to criticisms then.
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