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Old 10-23-2007, 04:01 PM
amulet amulet is offline
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Default Re: Too much SPR

i enjoy your posts.

however, i don't see how your question is relevant to my post. unless you are trying to lead me to the answer you want.

but i will answer it for you: it depends. i think you are trying to get me to say it depends on how deep my opponents are and because everyone has 500 it would be a call. but it depends on a variety of factors. stack size to pot is only one of them. i need a lot more information to tell you what action i would take here.

among the factors:
can i expect to get paid?
are the players rocks who won't pay off the odds i need to play a speculative hand?
do i expect a lot of action post flop? if the opponents are too aggressive it will be difficult to draw for the right price.
are there weak tight players?
what are the raisers standards?
how will my position work vs these opponents?
implied odds? - yes how deep are we and how much is in the pot spr.
i could go on with my list, but i think i have made my point. there are probably about 10 important things i need to consider, most of them as important as stack size and stack to pot ratio. i would prefer not to write about some of them, or share them publicly. however, many of the other posters here could provide a great list.

additionally, my guess is when harrington and robertie publish their book, it will incorporate most of what i would write, if not a lot more. i expect that book to be great, and i expect it to make books like professional nl and most of this thread to be considered superficial. i may be incorrect about harrington, but i doubt it.
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