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Old 10-23-2007, 02:30 PM
mosdef mosdef is offline
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Default Re: AC-ism in history?

No they don't want it, but their poorly thought out ideas usually lead to something similar, and very rarely lead to the utopia of a land w/o government that they promise.

[/ QUOTE ]

Look - any proponent of any social or political system that claims that a utopia will result is obviously wrong. Anyone who says that an absence of government would create a utopia is obviously wrong. Failing to understand (or failing to even try to understand) what someone is saying and dismissing it as a "utopian fantasy" because it challenges your preconceived notions does not qualify as conclusive evidence that what they are saying is wrong. While I am all for challenging the AC majority on this board, opponents of AC in this particular thread have absolutely failed to indicate that they understand ACism well enought to forecast it's outcome.

"But you'll be giving all the power to corporations."
"I can't believe in a system that promises utopia."
"Profits over people is evil - no way I can support AC."

Etc, etc, etc. These statements indicate an ignorance of anarchocapitalism, not arguments against it.
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