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Old 10-23-2007, 02:20 PM
JacksonMassey JacksonMassey is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 28
Default Re: Home tourney - Cash stolen


We have a group of about ten to twelve regulars that have been playing for a couple of years now. There's always at least five folks at the table to keep an eye on one another, and they all know that nobody gets chips or puts money in the box without me being there. So, for me, it's fine if it stays on the table. We play at fairly low stakes, but can end up with around $600 or so in the box at any given time. The worst thing we ever had happen was the box was short at the end of the night. It was after that night that I became banker.

We don't invite any new people to the group that someone doesn't know really well, and obviously don't have a big enough bank to have to worry about folks colluding and stealing the box in groups.

The 10/20 game I go to is much different. People get patted down, there are security cameras at all entrances and the money goes in a lockbox. At that game, I'd agree that the money needs to be in a central location, but it'd bother me if that was all in one guys pocket. I'd rather have it to the point where I didn't have to accuse anyone of anything when it comes time to cash out.

I think it mostly depends on the stakes. The OP's group, as he stated, doesn't play large enough stakes that there would be a temptation for a group to work together to steal the cash. If enough dependable eyes are on the box, and only one person is allowed in it, then it should be fine to keep it out in the open.
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