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Old 10-23-2007, 02:02 PM
VelarStop VelarStop is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 26
Default Re: 5/10; double barrel or not, call river w/ ace high?

I check the turn and fold the river since you're just chopping with any other A hi. I'd also like to know his WTSD since it's a good indicator as to whether or not he's going to be donking the river with air (unlikely in this spot).

Also, is he going to SD any pair in this spot, or is that part of the uncertainty? If he's not folding any pair or any GS your FE is crap and betting out A hi for value is extremely thin.

You're really only beating J7, J8, and random trash like 54o. His TA is only 1.04 so J9 seems like one of his most likely non-pair hands, which would explain the c/c and river donk. I think you see at least a pair here, maybe something like Q9, T8.
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