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Old 10-23-2007, 01:52 PM
bav bav is offline
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Default Re: Whispering to a player\'s ear during a big hand

The guy playing the hand apparently did not ASK for the info, it was volunteered. What happens if his friend just shouts out loud from across the room "call him, I saw his cards, he's bluffing"? Heck... what happens if some spectator watching from the ropes during the WSOP does a "I saw Helmuth's cards...he has 32 offsuit!"

Obviously you throw the loudmouth person out. But has that person committed a crime? And the player who now has info he shouldn't... he didn't do anything wrong. Unless they conspired to do this, in which case they're both criminals, but that won't be so easy to prove. And given how clumsy these two were with this, they couldn't possibly have planned it.
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