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Old 10-23-2007, 01:52 PM
ikestoys ikestoys is offline
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Default Re: AC-ism in history?

I’m trying to find the closest societies to AC-ism beliefs. What would that be?

For me AC-ism beliefs have much more in common with times of Wild West or times of industrial revolution than to modern societies.

I find it difficult to accept that living in such unregulated societies would be better or even more fair to the most population. I doubt a society where profits are put above the people would lead to any freedom at all since people would have only as much freedom / rights as they could afford it.

By putting profits above people and their rights AC-ism seems much more similar to corporatism than to a freedom society to me.

So, what could be examples of societies similar to AC-ism in history? Does this sound close enough: Large corporations working hand in hand with repressive regimes and employing private militias and militaries to violate people’s rights in Central America?

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That's exactly it. All AC supporters are big fans of oppression and restricting peoples rights that's why they're behind it.

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No they don't want it, but their poorly thought out ideas usually lead to something similar, and very rarely lead to the utopia of a land w/o government that they promise.
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