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Old 10-23-2007, 12:46 PM
AlexM AlexM is offline
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Default Re: Why is Paul Running as a Republican?


Are you being deliberately dense? He ran as a Republican because he's not an idiot. Only Republicans or Democrats can be elected to any office higher than County Water & Soil Commissioner.

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Statists will tell you to work for change within the system. Then when someone does it, they say he's a sellout.

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I think he should work for change within the system and I think he is a sellout for running as a Republican. Those aren't contrary views.

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Yes, actually, they are. Like it or not, the two parties are the system and he has to choose one of them.

Let me put it this way, at the end of the day Ross Perot will have made more of a national impact running effectively as a third party than Ron Paul will have. Further, Ross Perot made more of an impact running as a third-party than had Ross Perot run as a Republican.

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Ron Paul isn't a billionaire. It takes a billionaire to make a "serious" run against the established parties. Perot spend an estimated $65.4 million of his own money on his campaign, and that doesn't include additional money from donations. And you know what? If Perot had waited to do what he did until a Republican president didn't get the auto-nomination and instead run on the Republican ticket, I bet he would have won! Sure, he made more impact in 1992 than he would have running as a Republican because you can't beat a sitting president in the primaries, but in another year, he would have made a much large impact as a Republican.
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