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Old 10-23-2007, 11:58 AM
aladare aladare is offline
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Default Ahh the Holidays...first rant of many to come...

The smell of autumn in the air and soon the holidays are among us. Halloween is in a little over a week..and this day is just fun. No real extended family obligations..just dress up, get crazy, get candy and get drunk! I never have a bad thing to say about Halloween...until now. There is a great travesty hitting us. I'm talking about the 3 Halloween cereals- Frankenberry, Count Chocula and Boo Berry. When i was a kid, you could get these cereals year round..with their yummy crisp, frosted cereal mixed with marshmellowy goodness. The last 15 years or so, you can only get these ONCE a October. This has been a tradition my daughter & I have had the last 15 years. BOO BERRY.

So approximately a month ago I go to the store and buy five boxes of Boo Berry. Enter: my grievance

First, the 'powers that be' in General Mills decided to change the front of the box to some dorky, zoomed in cartoon of Boo Berry’s face..well more cartoony than before...i suspect the same plastic surgeon that does Joan Rivers. I can't believe the resemblance, well both look like ghosts. Count Chocula and Frankenberry were not spared this facelift either. See new but not improved Boo Berry below:

Second, I finally get to eat my special Halloween treat and this cereal cuts the f-ing hell outta the roof of my mouth (y'all know, like Captain Crunch). At first I’m not so aware it's the cereal doing it. This goes on for over a week. Then my daughter says the roof of her mouth is all cut up. WTF..did they add sawdust or recycled plastic? Very painful! Enter stupidity- as we did not stop eating the Boo Berry cereal..and yet I proudly claim to be the 'adult'! We've waited all year for this. The five boxes of treasured blue boo goodness have been consumed..and the roof of my mouth is still cut up after 5 days of no more Boohoo Berry. Wtf? I find that I cannot just roll over and not express my disappointing experience. I must alert OOT. I also have an obligation to tell other parents b/c your kids maybe eating these cereals and their little mouths are getting all cut up! Why do ‘some people’ insist on messing with a good thing?

/boo berry tradition
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