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Old 10-23-2007, 11:50 AM
Oink Oink is offline
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Default Re: Advice on my stats...

I play 2 tables. Just the right pacing for me to take notes and look at 16 other opponents.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sample size is an issue. But if you cant beat micro limits FR while 2 tabling you are simply not good enough.

You have to do a better job studying the game

From your stats its clear that you have huge leaks preflop.

Stop folding
Stop folding
Stop folding
Stop folding
Stop folding
Stop folding

You have to be much more positional aware.

Your vpip OTB should be at least twice as high as your vpip UTG

An attempt to steal blinds at 27 is way too low. Get that in the late 30'es. Given the nittyness of microstakes FR its fine if you get it above 40.

Fold you blinds a LOT less. You are simply bleeding in the BB. I play much higher stakes but my fold BB to steal HU is about 25%.

You have to get the fold BB to steal below 70. Somewhere between 50 and 60 is prolly fine for microstakes.

Dont listen to anyone who tells you to play tight. They dont get it - The want to get it. But they dont.

The only way you learn this game is to start adding marginal hands to your range and learn how to play them

Forget about the books for live full ring play and try finding some litterature on online play. SSSH and Lee Jones book is written for live games with 8 players to each flop. Online is a different animal.
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