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Old 10-23-2007, 11:42 AM
ezmogee ezmogee is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 84
Default Re: *Official* PPA Fly-In Thread

I'm here and I do think it's a great opportunity to meet people. I'm one of the young kids that doesn't know a ton of people here, but seeing as how I'm representing my company (CardRunners) I'm trying to do a good job at reaching out to people and saying hello.

I've met a number of interesting people including Bryan, the new member relations director for the PPA, the whole crew from GPSTS (Global Poker Strategic Thinking Societies), John, Dave Dworkin, etc.

I have some non-PPA meetings in DC today, but if anyone wants to say hi at the reception tonight at the Rayburn building, I'll be around and look forward to meeting you.

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