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Old 10-23-2007, 05:55 AM
Caesar88 Caesar88 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 19
Default Re: Am I wrong? Am I wrong?

There was a group that set up 30 years ago or more which took the semen of many of the most intelligent men of that time, and gave it to women who wanted to be mothers to see how it would impact their children. The result was kids that were super-smart, to the extent that they had memorized Chaucer before they were 10 years old. I can't give you any more information about it than that, I just remember seeing a documentary about it back in school.

What I can tell you though is that one of the boys had a news story covered about him in the last few years, and although he was still smart, he had completely rejected his mother for her dreams about what he had become and for what was expected of him because of who he was. He had evolved into a hippie who only longed to write music and study philosophy. This shows that you can be genetically a genius, but that doesn't always matter - you can still take a different path.
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