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Old 10-22-2007, 08:08 PM
Dunkman Dunkman is offline
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Default Re: Standard calls or standard folds?

1. just call, people behind you will be less likely to shove light since they have to show it down anyway, and your call from that spot shows pretty substantial strength

2. fold, one of the best hands I'm folding though...actually I'm thinking this may be a call, it's 670 to win 920, those are pretty compelling odds given what his range could be. It's another one of those read things.

3. standard shove unless the EP guy is crazy tight, in which case I'd shove anyway but not be quite as happy about it

4. really close, would depend on reads, without them I would just fold, although against a lot of villains I'd imagine a reshove is very profitable here. Calling is totally out of the question, it's either reshove or fold.
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