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Old 10-22-2007, 04:17 PM
PoorSkillz PoorSkillz is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: America
Posts: 74
Default Re: AP thread 872.6 - Statement ITT

I first remember reading about this scandal about a month ago on "Weekly Shuffle", and I wondered at the time why no one else was talking about it. It remained on the back of my mind, slowly fading away, and it wasn’t until briefly featured the story on its front page that I became “informed” of what had happened. I consider myself more than just a casual player, but if I hadn't visited at that specific time, which eventually led me here, I would still be in the dark about this whole scandal.

If the majority of the poker-playing public is ever to become informed on this situation, it is up to the mainstream media to do so (I know MSN and Yahoo carried the story on their homepages, but only briefly) and the mainstream media outlet that should be leading in this front is ESPN. So far has reported on this scandal, but has kept it buried in their "ESPN Poker Club" section, which most people don’t visit. In order for the majority of the poker-playing public to ever become informed of the scandal, ESPN must feature this story on its homepage. ESPN has featured far less newsworthy poker stories on its homepage in the past, and to not do so here is unjustifiable.