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Old 10-22-2007, 03:58 PM
Splendour Splendour is offline
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Default Re: The Biology of Beauty

There are definitely some generational and cultural influences on the perception of beauty and it even reaches over into fashion statements.

The movies of the 50's and 60's seemed to emphasize chests, the 70's and 80's and 90's legs and buttocks and the current generation seems to be all about the stomach hence all the belly button piercings.

We had the long skirts in the Victorian Age which subsequently turned into the flat chested flappers of the 1920s with their hats and long one row beads. In the 50's the bikini came in to fashion, in the 60's the mini-skirt came in to fashion. In the 70's we had men in polyester a la John Travolta Saturday Night Fever Style.

If you go to the Middle East the women are covered from head to toe with only their eyes visible sometimes.

Fashion/culture are definitely at work. Pamela Sue Anderson is a prime example. She had implants when it was time to be big and when big went out of style she put in smaller implants. Hip over health, aren't we lucky?
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