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Old 10-22-2007, 03:43 PM
AndysDaddy AndysDaddy is offline
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Default Re: Should female circumcision be legal in the US?


Male circumcision most likely has positive (physical) side-effects.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm surprised no one has brought up this point yet:
Deaths due to circumcision

Outside of necessary procedures (and what constitutes "necessary" is an argument in its own right) It seems to me to come down to the same argument as abortion: At what point does a person become a person, and obtain the rights associated with that status?

Most "Pro-Life" folk have the line drawn at conception, or some other time prior to birth. Most "Pro Choice" proponents would say at birth.

Clearly it is an arbitrary line. As some here have argued, the line may even extend into the post-birth timescale.

To further complicate matters, it is not even an all-or-nothing line. There are several lines, each of which give you additional rights, each placed at arbitrary points.

This is such a complex matter, I am both amused and incredulous that anyone could either adopt or be labeled with a simple catch all term like "Pro-Choice" or "Pro-Life" (Which I believe most of this discussion has dissolved to).
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