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Old 10-22-2007, 03:14 PM
augie_ augie_ is offline
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Default Re: AP thread 872.6 - Statement ITT


The most likely scenario by far is that management and ownership of Absolute was aware and/or involved of this stuff going on. Yet, even after having the cheating pointed out, they continued to deny until proof was accidentally leaked.

They are obviously not going to admit that they are a completely dirty organization that has been systematically cheating their users for a long time. Given what is KNOWN to have been done by key members of the organization, followed by the web of lies they have spun to try and cover things up, anyone accepting their current explanations is a real sucker. It's also naive to think other forms of cheating/stealing have not occurred in the past.

[/ QUOTE ]

phew. glad i'm not the only one who thinks absolute is behind the whole thing and it's nothing but a rogue, rigged site.