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Old 10-22-2007, 01:30 PM
mother_brain mother_brain is offline
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Default Re: AP thread 872.6 - Statement ITT


El D,

I'm really suprised at your view of this situation. Your posts hint at sarcasm but could also be logical points of view. Your passive approach to the situation is exactly what is going to lead to the outcome you predict.

I think maybe you're just leveling and hoping to light a fire under some people so that this thing can gain steam again.

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To what end? Where is the power that is going to compel AP to do something? KGC could potentially pull the license, but if they don't, just about nobody involved has any interest in taking on KGC, because if anything got hairy for KGC it would have much wider ramifications for poker than just losing AP. In posts in other threads, adanthar has suggested that it is very unlikely that anybody will go to jail on this, which would be about the last threat. A boycott won't work, as explained elsewhere.

In light of all of this, what I'm interested in now is why AP has come clean even to the extent that they have. There's presumably something I'm missing.

[/ QUOTE ]

It seems like theres only a few things that could have caused APs admission of there actually being a superuser account. Three that I can think of, i'll put them in order of likelyhood to me:

1. The Digg article that made the first page and the 2 or 3 MSNBC articles. These are relatively signifigant news sources and could have caused some panic at AP. They were somewhat unbiased but certainly leaned towards guilt at AP. I don't really think enough new info has come foward to warrant any new articles.

2. Their income took what they viewed as a signifigant dive. The only real info we can gather on this is from that site that reports the number of players. Obviously this does not give us exact rake intake numbers due to micro limits etc.

3. Some people have stated that the posting of that wedding album caused the response from AP. I dont really know anything about that.

Other people have theorized that many players are going to keep their rolls on the site and play until its gone. Also we may be overestimating the speed at which word travels to most poker players. I'm going to the B&M next weekend, it will be interesting to see what is known there. I know I was at some .50-1 tables at Cake yesterday and at least 3 of the 10 or 11 that i was at over the session had some player mention something about it. I didn't start the chat in anyway but that was certainly encouraging.