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Old 10-22-2007, 01:15 PM
Klompy Klompy is offline
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Default Re: My experiences with cigerette smoking


You didn't inhale. Have someone teach you how to smoke correctly if you're actually interested in finding out what the hype is about. When done correctly you'll catch a solid buzz that will last 10 minutes or so, although i might be off on the amount of time as it was a long time ago when I had my first cig.

As for the addiction part, I've never really understood it. I tried my first cig when I was 17 and have casually smoked since (currently 23) excluding a 6 month span where I didn't smoke for a gf. At my heaviest I was maybe smoking 2 packs a week which was when I was 18, I currently smoke maybe 4-5 cigs a week, all of which are on the weekend. It doesn't bother me at all to not smoke, and I've never felt any sort of addictive craving for one.
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