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Old 10-22-2007, 10:59 AM
kayaker kayaker is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 160
Default Re: Moving up to NL25 - memo to self

While I'm sure a lot of that can be attributed to bad luck, I can point out one thing. NL25 does tend to play quite a bit tighter than NL10. If you're getting callers to near or above pot size bets on the flop, they have hit their hand in some way. Especially if they continue past a turn that didn't hit the apparent draws.

<Short version>
TPTK is often a great hand at NL10 and under. It's not always so good at NL25.

Remember that NL25 is typically where people are playing when they are just starting to figure out how to play decently. It's the beginning of the middle ground between the people either just starting out and the permanent losers and those who are actually pretty good. Because of this, it's a bit awkward to play at this level. You'll still have the idiots, but the breakdown between them and the ones who have an idea of how to play shifts a bit. One thing that always helped me was to tighten up (a lot) when I first moved up to a new level. This lessens the variance and helps you get adjusted to the new level without taking too much of a beating if the cards don't go your way.
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