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Old 10-22-2007, 10:56 AM
Phil153 Phil153 is offline
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Default Re: What Would David Say About This Remark?

By the way, I would be willing to agree to a couple of things.

The first is that the IQ difference may not be genetic. I think there's a quite a bit we don't know about inheritance, and I think it's entirely possible that part of the reason for the differential is epigenetic type issues that span generations. I think this may also be the cause of the Flynn effect.

I also think it's possible that Africans have equivalent intelligence potential, but brains that are wired somewhat differently in a behavioral sense, causing a lack of certain intellectual development in childhood. This is one of the reasons this issue is so important, and why it should be researched thoroughly instead of swept under the rug by try hard do gooders. Academia's response to public discussion of these issues is an embarrassment.

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Well then, what's the argument about?

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The argument is about how people are dismissing the possibility of a substantial genetic component, sweeping honest research under the rug, and vilifying people who even touch the subject. It's far from concluded that the difference is entirely cultural or nutrition based. I wish it was, because I'd substantially rethink my view on a few things, and what I think social policy should be. I think many others would too. It would be a much happier world and a much brighter future for humanity if low IQs were merely the result of circumstance.

Anyway, I'm probably overstaying my welcome in these threads. I'll let others carry on.
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