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Old 10-22-2007, 10:00 AM
Lucky Clubs Lucky Clubs is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 40
Default Re: Do you make this call?

For what it's worth, the NLO8 open shove is some variant of AA nearly every time for most players. Sometime in the last year or so, it seems that everyone has picked up the information that AAxx plays very well heads up, and they are willing to dance with variance because of (a) their hand's equity against any likely callers, (b) combined with fold equity.

One question to ask yourself is whether you stack off with your hand if your opponent were able to flip his hand up preflop. If he has exactly Ac As 7c 9d, then your hand is a very miniscule favorite. If he has Ac As 7c Td, then equity shifts in his favor. If we replace the 7c with ANY wheel card, then your opponent is at worst a 52% favorite (with the 2c), he has you 60/40.

Yours is a hand that I wouldn't feel bad about pushing preflop, but you are rarely more than a 51% favorite if you're calling (i.e., if he has Ac As Jc Td), and you are most often slightly behind.

It's really just a question of whether you're there to flip coins or play poker. The mere fact that you're posting here in an attempt to improve probably indicates that you will make better postflop decisions than the average opponent, and can pick a better spot.
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