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Old 10-22-2007, 04:33 AM
Taso Taso is offline
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Default Re: My experiences with cigerette smoking

I had my first cigarette maybe 3 years ago. In the past year I've had maybe twenty. I definitly felt different, I get a little buzzed from the nicotine.

Am I addicted? I think I am, although I use that word very reluctantly. Seeing people smoke (in movies or in real life) and smelling cigarette smoke makes me want to go out and buy a pack. I don't though, and I never will. I believe in will power.

I was with a friend who is a heavy smoker, outside Caesar's in AC actually, and he said "I think you are addicted now" and because he said that I told him I wouldn't smoke cigarettes for the rest of the year. I intend to hold to that, and I don't see any possible way that I don't.

I don't really believe in addiction. In my opinion, if you can not do something, you aren't really addicted. All it takes is will power.

And neither of my parents smoked. My dad did when he was young, but at least since I was born he never ever did again. He was a social smoker in his youth I guess.
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