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Old 10-22-2007, 03:34 AM
DblBarrelJ DblBarrelJ is offline
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Default Re: Phony Soldiers (long)

Which, as I pointed out, is NOTHING like telling him he can't possibly be a soldier. It also has NOTHING to do with his service. If you actually listened to the show, you'd know he questions callers' political affiliations all the time, regardless of their claims about military service. He even has skits about "seminar callers"--Democrats who call in claiming to be Republicans only to disagree with his arguments.

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So I'm to take it that Rush Limbaugh frequently makes a rude ass of himself (like he did in this case) while debating people who might be making rude asses of themselves, and that if only I would take the time to subject myself to listening to this take place more often I'd see that it's not so bad because it happens quite regularly. That about that?


Why? Do you have to be a Republican to be a real soldier?

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I try not to make judgments like these. You'd have to ask someone like, say, Rush Limbaugh. The point is that this caller is saying that he was in the military. He brings this up not as an irrelevant detail like gender, but so as to legitimize his belief to some degree, as coming from someone who "really knows" as opposed to an armchair hack.

When Limbaugh responds that this guy basically can't be a Republican, he is very much belittling the caller. The caller is a serviceman, this has been brought up and is relevant to the discussion. The caller is questioned, degraded and insulted. I don't really see two ways around this.

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So Limbaugh doesn't have a right to disagree with this man, for the sole reason that he served in the Military.

I respect military service, I really do. However, just because you're a military veteran doesn't give you the right to say whatever you want, and give others the right to accuse anyone who disagrees with you of "insulting servicemen". Limbaugh didn't treat this caller any differently than he treats other callers he disagrees with.
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