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Old 10-22-2007, 12:10 AM
TakenItEasy TakenItEasy is offline
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Default Re: Etiquette of changing seats

In my game people change seats so often there is usually a list.

There are lots of reasons to change seats, end seats give a better view of all the players, players generally don't like to be in seat 1 or 9 because the dealer blocks their view, sitting next to a friend, sitting to get a better view of the TV, moving to get the railbirds off your back, moving just for luck, and of course strategic position on players/stacks. I often try and analyze a seat move and can often make no sense of it.

Edit: BTW, when a good player makes a move that makes sense, I will expect his/her play to change accordingly. Also when a new player I don't know enters the game with more than one seat open and they scan the stacks/players before choosing a seat, I expect better play from them.
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