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Old 10-21-2007, 11:42 PM
Georgia Avenue Georgia Avenue is offline
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Default Very good then very bad then back to v v v good

wdead: I'm not really that big into pickup lines and stuff. I usually just say something random to a chick like, Hey do you like my friends sweatshirt? and see where it goes. I never bother trying to overcome resistance or anything really...if a chick wants to play games she can do it with someone else...if she likes me she'll respond pleasantly and then we can commence the chattin'.

On match I think you just should stick with thre of four sentence things like: Hey I liked that thing you said about ____. Do you really go to ____ all the time, I'e never seen you there... Wait are you a poser?

The end.

About smart chicks, you should ask dbz I guess, but I've found that it helps if you play up your own dumbness in a funny way that makes them feel like you're not intimidated. Really smart chicks are usually dying for guys who dont feel threatened by their achievements and goals, so if you have nothing comparable (I sure don't) play up your experiences instead. Say something like: Man I wish I'd been studying as hard as you in college, I was too busy going to casinos in Amsterdam, (or traveling in Belize, or becoming a world air guitar champion, or whatever). Whatever you do don't just repeat how smart they are, they hate that. Some cutesy neg like: "Wow no wonder you're so fat!" Might be helpful too...

Sike obv.

Anyway, please someone better at advice help with that its a good question.

Anyanyway, I had a crazy night last night. I'm sleepy from it still so I cant really go to far into it but lest just put it in outline format:

1. Danced at fashion party
2. A girl I dated last year who really liked me was there.
3. I started dancing with this fat chick who clearly wanted my c+ck. NOMNOMNOMIMO
4. My ex started started talking to me, I ignored the warning signs of her friends desperately trying to pull her away
5. I also ignore the fat chick until she leaves, chatting with my ex
6. End of the night, everyone leaves, the ex and I start making out
7. then she looks at me with her big beautiful blue eyeballs and says "Are you going to hurt me again? Because if so put me in a cab."
8. Into the cab she goes, crying.
9. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] I suck.
10. GradschoolGirl calls as I'm walking home, she's also bombed drunk yay!
11. Very sweet convo full of cuteness goes on for hours
12. Things start to get a little blue around 5am
13. full blown raging phone sex
14. She's never done it before but manages to shock me a couple of times. Keep in mind that we haven't actually f--ked my imagination is driving me nuts.
15. Overall: swongs = 1 thing.
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