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Old 10-21-2007, 10:41 PM
rock1 rock1 is offline
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Default Hand from Villians perspective (dont read if u dont want results)

dont want to kill discussion, but it looks like its come to a here are my thoughts on the hand...i had KK...

when jason called my raise preflop, i had him on a range of 88-QQ, AK, AQs, and some small probability of a high suited when i saw the flop, there was a decent chance i was behind...i check called to see how the hand would develop... (not sure about this check call, so would like comments)...i didnt want to be raised off the hand if i CB...from his perspective, i thought he could put me on AA,KK,JJ and some lower probability of KQs,QJs,J10s after the cc...

when the 8 hit the turn, i was folding to a big bet - i figured he had to think that a J was a good portion of my range here...fortunately he checked (he had to be worried about a check raise here)

on the river, the J hits putting the straight on the board...the choices in my head were a smaller bet (3500) or a bet that was bigger (6k-8k)...i decided on the smaller bet for a couple of reasons...i still thought jason had to have a J as a good piece of my range after the check call on the flop (meaning i was going for a failed check raise on turn) i thought a smaller bet may well induce a bluff raise from him (if i had a j type hand, i couldnt have k type hand)...on top of having a j in my range, i also thought there could possibly have been a little frustration from flopping a big hand - which might lead him to get frisky...Ak was definitely in his range (although not a big part since i had kk), and i was prepared to deliver my stack to him given the initial range i had him on (i guess thats what hedge fund guys do and "poker pros" dont)...

anyways, i'd like to hear alternate ways to play my hand...particularly the flop...also, the hand ranges that i had him on and hands that i thought he could put me on seem pretty tight reading this post, but the way the hand played out, seemed really true at the time...

fwiw, for those saying fold preflop to jason, i disagree...jason knew that i knew internet pros opening range was pretty wide preflop...i thought his call was fine, and definitely liked reraise over fold preflop for his hand...
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