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Old 10-21-2007, 03:18 PM
NoLimitLeagues NoLimitLeagues is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Madison, Wi
Posts: 37
Default Re: AP thread 872.6 - Statement ITT

"oscar133 is almost certainly innocent"

I wouldnt jump to such conclusions, adanthar. If the cheaters were still cheating on Oct 6th, they would take measures to avoid detection, since their scam had been uncovered, such as calling 30k all in with A7 vs KK and hope for the suckout. Even if he loses, he still has plenty of chips. Remember if you can see the other players hole cards all you really need to do is avoid becoming short stacked. If Oscar could see the hole cards, even after losing with his A7, he still probably had a 99% chance of winning the tourney. The river non raise on the first hand could be another example of the "cheater(s)" getting smarter. All I am saying is we should investigate all the hand histories we can, you should repost the list of entrants to that tourney.

My guess is AP mgmt has 100s of these super accounts and have been using this strategy for a long time, someone finally got very sloppy for some reason, maybe it was greed, alcohol, drugs, ego, who knows, criminals are usually very stupid. These guys live a crazy life, millions of dollars and they cant even step foot on US soil, thats gotta mess with their heads.

p.s. thanks to everyone (you know who you are) for all the hard work, the truth will all come out someday