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Old 10-21-2007, 01:30 PM
teddyFBI teddyFBI is offline
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Default Re: AP thread 872.6 - Statement ITT

Listen, I used to work in investigations for the biggest stock exchange in the world, and when we caught insiders acting improperly, we didn't *only* suspend them (or in some cases bar them from the industry for life.) We followed up with law enforcement as appropriate to make sure that not only did they lose their privilege to act as brokers, but when their actions were criminal, they faced the full weight of our judicial system. That's what you need to do here. Don't tell us there wasn't criminal activity here, be it reckless or merely negligent. I don't care whether you want to look at American, Costa Rican, or Panamanian laws -- they were broken. Get the criminal justice system involved here (although I suspect that the length of time it took to release your "official" statement is due to your lawyers painstakingly ensuring that no part of it admits to anything actually *criminal* or otherwise actionable.) I personally worked on the cases of quite a few brokers who were out-and-out crooks, basically pocketing monies that were given to them by clients to invest for them or needlessly churning to create excessive commissions -- this analogy really isn't all that that inapplicable to Scott Tom's alleged power trip. And the punishments weren't merely administrative, they were *criminal*. Show us how serious you *really* are about this by getting law enforcement involved. Or are you worried that such action would require a level of discovery that you're worried would uncover something you hoped would stay hidden?