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Old 10-21-2007, 08:03 AM
Dire Dire is offline
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Default Re: Pick the \"next gen\" console I should purchase

As things currently stand, the 360 is a no brainer. It simply has better games, a whole lot more of them, its cheaper, many (perhaps the majority of) cross platform games run significantly better on the 360 than the PS3, etc. Kind of silly debating the future. It's not like buying a 360 (or PS3) right now precludes your later purchase of the other system. When those games you want on the PS3 come out, you can buy it then.

And like was mentioned, some of the games you're holding out for don't even make sense. The people who created Final Fantasy started their own development studio, Mist Walker, that's now working exclusively on the 360 (Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey and more to come). 'Final Fantasy' is now just Final Fantasy in name.
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