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Old 10-21-2007, 07:34 AM
mshalen mshalen is offline
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Default Re: Seven-Card Stud for Advanced Players

Let me extend and revise my remarks.

If you follow West to the letter then yes you will be very weak tight. But the book is an easy read, explains in simple terms what starting hands you want and will steer a begining player away from those deceptive hands that many noobs think are good but are really traps. The OP was looking for a book for a beginer.

Zee is "the" book for stud however it is written like most 2+2 books (and most poker books in general) with a paragraph saying if A then do B and the next paragraph saying however if A when c and d exist then do F or you can do H if you plan on stealing on a later street. If the reader is a beginer then Zee can quicky lead to FPS and many of the concepts do not apply at the very low levels that most beginers start at. In my original post I suggested that he start with a basic book (West just happens to be the most widely available) then with some experience he can move up to Zee.
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