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Old 10-21-2007, 04:02 AM
ALawPoker ALawPoker is offline
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Default Re: reliable online iq test?

I got 27, but I wasn't keeping strict time since I was doing other stuff too. So my score doesn't necessarily mean anything. I think tests like these are pretty generic and pointless anyways though. Most of the questions are simple and are just a test of not making a meaningless mental error, and then the difference between a great score and a decent score will come down to a couple odd questions and whether or not the secret word will pop into your head in time.

I'm just bitter cause each question I got wrong was a stupid word question. I couldn't come up with 'post' or 'day' before calling it quits (which is fine, since they're common words), but #19 seems like a pointless question for this type of test. I've never even heard the word "banalities" before so what could it possibly indicate of my intelligence if I can't find it. I didn't know this was a vocabulary contest.
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