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Old 10-20-2007, 09:12 PM
skindog skindog is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2007
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Posts: 304

If the terms and conditions allow this, then this is not at all morally reprehensible.

Side rant:
Credit card companies that offer these promotions routinely do it to get the best of financially unaware people in the hopes of hitting a gold mine. Maybe you weren't faced with this when you were growing up, but the second I entered college the only way I can describe credit card companies' behavior is with the word PREDATORY. If anything, offering usurous rates (24-30% was standard) to students who have no concept of financial planning is morally reprehensible. And these companies are the same ones that offer 0% deals readily. So why are you defending these scumbags?

If it's not against the terms, what's the problem? They write the terms, they should get one of their army of lawyers to change the terms, and bam.

If it is against the terms and conditions, then it is shady. On the other hand, you could achieve the same thing without being shady, by simply depositing your paycheck in full to your brokerage account every week and paying everything with the credit card. Would take a little while longer, but you could be getting 0% loans just the same. But why bother?

I know you guys hate shoe, but c'mon, I'm sure you can find a lot of other things to bicker about. This is ridiculous.
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