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Old 10-20-2007, 07:09 PM
guids guids is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
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Default Re: Anyone used SuperPump 250 from Gaspari?

Superpump 250 has caffeine also in it. It also gives you workout energy. You might want to actually read my post or
try the product before you call it retarded and try to get a hooker and drugs.

"There are no good NO2 products."

Sounds like something that T-Nation says. T-Nation has some great training and nutrition articles, but the try to make everything that they don't sell sound like it totally sucks.

That all NO2 products suck is definately not the case. Superpump 250 is very good. I have used it and it works well. I sip Superpump 250 during my training and try to finish my about 2.5 scoops worth it about halfway into the workout. Very good product for energy focus and pumps. Not as awesome as the ads say but it works well. Similar to NO XPLODE overall

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this is retarded. Yes, it gives you a pump. so what? it does nothing other than that. might as well get a hoooker or some good drugs if you just want to feel good.

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1. I dont need to try the product before I can comment on its affects, in fact...its really really really stupid to try something out just to "see if it works". this can lead you to the "placebo effect" or even worse if its a dangerous product.

2. I wasnt directing my comment at you, see how I quoted the post about the NO2 products.

3. If you want workout energy take an ECA or drink a cup of cofee and save yourself a bunch of money

4. I can call it retarded all day long because Ive done the research, Ive looked into NO2 products, Ive used a sample of it it, and saying "try the product before you call it retarded" is unbelievably dumb. dummy.
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