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Old 10-20-2007, 06:29 PM
bobneptune bobneptune is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
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Default Re: Staking/Make-up question: What to do with lower prize-pools?

And you say that I don't have any motivation if I don't get cash in my pocket, that isn't the issue either. The issue is I wanted to be staked for large buy-ins, and now we aren't sure what to do with live play small buy-ins because I honestly feel that it would be a little unfair for me to play on my own since I would feel bad if I got a big score and he wasn't a part of it.


wtf ???

am i dreaming, or did you not write this yesterday :

"The issue is, I'd basically have to get 1st or 2nd for me to get out of make-up, so I have little to no incentive to play because these are such small buy-ins and fields compared to the $10ks."

and i believe you also wrote :

"I obviously want to be staked for $10ks and higher buy-ins, but I would like to play these smaller prize-pool live tournaments as well. Unfortunately it's not really in either of our best interests for me to play in these with so little to play for, I mean it'd just be way too demoralizing to get 5th or something and not even get anything out of it."


you know, if you are going to do a 180 on your supposed position and concerns, it's usually a good idea to make sure you erase all the previous evidence.


If anyone cares, we've discussed it some and are definitely going to clear up the terms which is a good idea, and FWIW "Nitty Jerk Bob" my backer actually said he was FINE with me playing these under my own roll, I was just hoping we could work out something that was as FAIR as possible for BOTH of us. EXCUSE ME if I'm a bad stakee.


i'm quite sure the poor guy doesn't want any part of staking you in small tournies when you say you won't have any incentive to do well in them without an immeadiate big cash participation.

anyway.... good luck in your future endeavors.
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