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Old 10-20-2007, 11:09 AM
Suwalski Suwalski is offline
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Default Re: Why arent the smartest people running our countries?

I have a theory, which i have no really evidence to backup, but i (want to) believe, that behind the politicians there is an army of highly educated public servants, who actually knows what their doing and have investegated the matter that much, that whatever the politicians may decide, their decisions won't ruin the country due to the extremly competent public servants.

Some might claim that those public servants will have a rightwinged agender, because they are in general placed "high" in society and will benefit on supressing the middle/lower class. On the other hand, they're also a part of our goverment, and are therefor interested in not undermining in a more social socity(where alot of people will be hired by the goverment).

Anyways this a big subject, and there's alot of discussions about who REALLY controls the country. For instance other claim that it is the big coperations who run everything (god damn hippies)

But yes, i too despise people who lie and twist the truth. I think it was sokrates who said something like It's a bigger crime to tell a lie than to kill a man.

Anyways about the "real" evidence, people in general often choose there evidence from their political point of view.
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