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Old 10-20-2007, 12:13 AM
pokerstudAA pokerstudAA is offline
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Default Re: We haven\'t won yet: latest (10/19) cliff\'s notes on AP scandal

Definately worth rereading Absolute's statements on the matter:

Update on the Absolute Security breach:

First Statement:
"We have done an extensive research into the claims that have been brought to our attention. While we are continuing with our investigation, we have yet to find any evidence of wrong doing. Our game client only receives data regarding the individuals hand and no other players hole cards, except in the event of a showdown. The player’s and their respective actions that are in question, all come from a small sample of Hands. We have researched their play exhaustively and have found no proof that they had any knowledge of other player’s hole cards. There were hands that were played poorly — from a poker strategy perspective — and these players did receive a fortunate result. So far we have no evidence that substantiates claims that any of the players were involved in chip dumping, or any other improper activity."

LOL. We all knew this was sooooo wrong when they issued it.

Second Statement:
“This is literally a geek trying to prove to senior management that they were wrong and he took it too far,” he said. “We acknowledge a significant internal security breach whereby a resource who was infinitely knowledgeable about the system was able to get into the accounts in question. He played on those accounts and he saw hole cards,” the spokesman said. “We have closed that security breach and we have identified a very serious issue internally as far as communications flow and we’re resolving that, ” he said.

LOL. Some "geek" did it. Not the managment. Hey guys - look over there.

Third Statement: Oh, wait: We are waiting to see how the story changes again....................

LOL - it was Bob from accounting. Case solved. Go back to playing poker plzkthxby.